Monday, April 30, 2012

Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut - Me Gusta

"Me and Mike, ve vork in mine....." - pg. 155
I'll let you research the rest of that poem. What entertained me was how out-of-the-blew this little poem came. It was funny despite its serious theme and serious message. That is what this entire book was. At times I felt guilty laughing at the situations, but I couldn't help it! At other times, I felt terrible for Billy and for the people in war in general. I thought it was a masterpiece that took control of me as I read. I haven't read a book so fast all four years of high school english. It easily is my favorite book I've ever been forced to read. I love it!


  1. I experienced the same random bits of laughter even in serious situations. However, I don't feel bad because I think this was the author's purpose. Also, I mainly commented on this post because I think it is "out-of-the-BLUE." If it is not I just made a complete fool out of myself. =)

  2. Way to augment your Spanish!!!!! Me gusta this book too! I always laugh at the worst times, so this book was perfect for me. YE MON!!!!!!!!!!!
